Business Address:
62, 168 Hanrapetutyan Street, Yerevan, 0010, Armenia


Telephone (Office):
+(374) 60 270-130

Working Hours:
Monday–Friday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Dram (֏) ֏


Article: vo-21715
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Shipping methods
  • Pickup from New Mail
  • New Mail Courier
  • Pickup from the store
  • Other transport services
Payment methods
  • Cash upon receipt
  • Bank transfer

The HT802 delivers powerful VoIP technology and routing capabilities to home and office environments, and allows users to successfully connect their analog devices to a manageable and powerful VoIP network. Built upon Grandstream’s market-leading SIP ATA/gateway technology, with millions of units successfully deployed worldwide, this powerful ATA features exceptional voice quality in various applications and environments. The HT802 comes with 2 easy-to-use FXS ports, state-of-the-art encryption with a unique security certificate per unit, automated provisioning for volume deployment and device management and outstanding network performance.

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